Step 1: Create your account

Registration takes less than a minute.

Select the services you want to manage.

Already have an account? Sign in

Step 2: Confirm email

We have sent you a verification code to your email. If you have not received it, please check your spam folder. This code is valid for 15 minutes.

Step 3: Personal information

Tell us your name so we can contact you and register the account.

Step 5: Website Colors

We detected the primary and secondary colors from your logo. These colors will be used to customize your website's content. You can review or adjust them below.

Step 6: Company details

Fill in your company information

Thanks for subscribing!

Your subscription to try our demo at BCH Multiservices for the next 7 days has been confirmed. We hope you make the most of this opportunity to explore all the features and functionalities!

In a few seconds we will redirect you to the application. If we don't redirect you within a few seconds, click here.

Feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions, concern or need assistance at any time during your test. We are here to help you and ensure you get the most value from your experience.


At this time we are unable to process your request due to the high volume of requests. You will shortly receive access to your demo through the email you have provided us. Sorry for the inconvenience.